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Saturday, October 8, 2011

Culinary Globalization or Fusion?

Fast Lane Definition-
Fusion cuisine combines elements of various culinary traditions while not being categorized per any one particular cuisine style, and can pertain to innovations in many contemporary restaurant cuisines since the 1970s.  Another incarnation of fusion cuisine is a more eclectic approach, featuring original dishes using varieties of ingredients from various cuisines and regions and combining them. Such a restaurant might feature a wide variety of dishes inspired by a combination of various regional cuisines with new ideas.

Culinary Quote Du Jour-
"It can jump off the plate at you but it doesn't have to chase you out of the restaurant." 
Marshall Rosenthal
'The Art of the Plated Dessert' (1997)

All fusion cuisine as we know it finds its roots in French nouvelle cuisine of the 70's, the combination of French and Japanese.  Fusion has move well beyond its early beginning, from a reactive to a proactive means, of cooking combining of different cuisines and influences.  Where fusion was a product of necessity through immigration, local availability and tradition.  Chef's all over the world are proactively pursuing the combinations of flavors, cooking styles and techniques that define the major cuisines of the world.  If a restaurant has a menu the is a combination of cultural cuisine, pasta bar and noodle bar this is not fusion cuisine. To be considered fusion cuisine the combination must be on the same plate in the same dish.  When combining cuisine one cannot just put together a "train wreck", an abomination to all things good, it must be well thought out and harmonious.  

Many social and cultural conditions have contributed to the increasing popularity of fusion, the multiculturalism movement will continue this trend.  Food distribution systems have increased the availability of products, I have an Indian, Italian, Latino and Asian grocery store in my town, there are more in larger cities like New York, Chicago and Los Angeles. The immense popularity of food media has elevated consumer awareness through T.V., cookbooks and educational marketing.  Chef's are now superstars; Chef's Gordon Ramsey, Charlie Trotter, Anthony Bourdain and Daniel Boulud to name a very few.  I do believe that the general desire for a healthier lifestyle has also contributed to this phenomena; grilled not fried, steamed not sauteed and lots of fresh locally available produce.  With the world getting smaller it seems that soon all cuisine will be influenced by the creativity of the chef's, cultures and availability of product, please no "train wrecks"!

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